The Kore Archetype

Online Lecture

The Kore (Greek for Virgin) is a mysterious figure. Youthful and elusive, the Kore personifies an archetypal state wherein a person becomes one-in-herself. In C.G. Jung’s essay “The Psychological Aspects of the Kore” (1951), he makes the astonishing statement that the Kore is a Self-figure for women, and has a power that is equivalent to that of the Mother. These two rarely discussed ideas have significance for women’s psychology, and have direct bearing upon the development of feminine consciousness in both women and men. Who is this figure that is accorded such psychological power and significance?

Drawing from The Kore Goddess: A Mythology and Psychology (2021), in this lecture Dr. Safron Rossi will draw out the pattern of the Kore through archaic Greek statues and myth in order to discern how and where the Kore appears in life and plays a critical role in individuation.

This event is hosted by the C.G. Jung Society of Atlanta, for details and to register visit here.