Safron has spent her life steeped in literature, religion and mythology, fields in which she holds her degrees. Her writing and scholarly studies focus on archetypal psychology, astrology, alchemy, goddess traditions, and Greek myth.
She is a member of the core faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute, teaching mainly in the Jungian and Archetypal Studies program.
For many years she was the curator of the Joseph Campbell, James Hillman, and Marija Gimbutas manuscript collections at Opus Archives & Research Center.
Safron regularly lectures at Astrology University, the Centre for Astrology, Myth and Symbol (CAMS), and MISPA. Her studies in Jungian and archetypal psychology, myth and alchemy informs her astrological work.
Safron is author of The Kore Goddess: A Mythology & Psychology (2021), editor of Joseph Campbell's Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine (2013), and co-editor of Jung on Astrology (2017). She has published articles in Jungian, archetypal, and astrological journals, and lectures across the US and internationally in Europe, South America and Australia.
Safron and her husband Glen Slater are founders of Winter Press, an imprint of Spring Journal. They also serve on the editorial board of Spring Journal.
Ph.D. Mythological Studies with an emphasis in Depth Psychology,
Pacifica Graduate Institute
Dissertation: The Brilliance of Nearness: Feminine Triads in Greek
B.A. Comparative Literature & Mythology, Hampshire College
Thesis: The Wisdom Manuscript: An Arthurian Legend Retold
2021 The Kore Goddess: A Mythology & Psychology. Winter Press
2017 Jung, C.G., editors Safron Rossi and Keiron Le Grice. Jung on Astrology. Routledge
2013 Campbell, Joseph, editor Safron Rossi. Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine. New World Library
2020 Book Review: Jung’s Studies in Astrology: Prophecy, Magic and the Qualities of Time and The Astrological World of Jung’s Liber Novus: Daimons, Gods, and the Planetary Journey by Liz Greene, Archai Journal, Issue 7
2019 “Planetary Interiority: James Hillman and the Archetypal Psyche.” The Federation of Australian Astrologers, vol 49:4, December 2019
2018 “Waves Become Wings: Neptune, Betrayal and the Myth of Ariadne.”
The Mountain Astrologer, Feb/March 2018
2018 "Myth as Hero: Joseph Campbell & James Hillman." Conversing with James Hillman: Mythic Figures. Dallas Institute of the Humanities, vol. 4.
2017 “Jung on Astrology: Gathering Constellations.” Journal of Research of the American Federation of Astrologers, vol. 17
2016 “An Alchemical Micro-cosmology." Conversing with James Hillman: Alchemical Psychology. Dallas Institute of the Humanities, vol. 3.
2015 “Saturn in C.G. Jung’s Liber Primus: an Astrological Meditation.” Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, vol 9:4, Fall 2015
2015 “Urania, Muse: She Who Draws Our Eyes.” Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena VIII: City of Stars, edited by B. P. Abbott (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol. 501
2014 “From Attic to Basement and In-between.” A Tribute to James Hillman: Reflections on a Renegade Psychologist. Mandorla Books, 2014
2013 “The Rapture of Being Alive.” Foreword in Joseph Campbell: The Artist’s Way. Celadon Arts, 2013
2012 “Musing on the Humanities.” The Soul Does Not Specialize: Revaluing the Humanities and the Polyvalent Imagination. Mandorla Books, 2012
2012 “From Attic to Basement and In-between: A Tribute to James Hillman & the Archetypal Archive.”
Quadrant: Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation of Analytical Psychology. XXXXII:2 Summer 2012; translated into Portuguese and published in Cadernos Junguianos AJB/IAAP, Brazil October 2013.
2011 “Invocation: Orphic Hymn to the Charities ~ Graces.” Breaking the Plates: Fracturing Fictions and Archetypal Imaginings. Ed. Gustavo Beck. Techne and Poiesis / Journal of Archetypal Studies, 2011
2016 National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) - Catharine and Ernest Grant Trust Grants for Astrological Research