In Ananke’s Lap: Necessity and Grace

The root of happiness, “to happen,” implies happiness concerns contentment with what happens. This opens the door to amor fati, the love of fate. This deeper idea of happiness, the capacity to be with what happens and embrace one’s fate is also closely related to how we find meaning. This constellation of ideas is personified by the goddess Ananke, her daughters the Fates, and the three Graces. Together they invite us into considering how being graceful, supple, agile and receptive to the archetypal necessity at work in the deep patterns of the psyche contributes to the discovery of meaning, which ultimately reveals the way our lives are lived in the lap of the gods. 

This online seminar is part of the New York Center for Jungian Studies: Jung on the Hudson weeklong event The Pursuit of Happiness: Myth or Meaning?

For more information and to register click here.