• Astrology University (map)

Introduction to "Cosmos and Psyche" and Archetypal Astrology

Online 4-week course at Astrology University

In this course we’ll read one of the most important astrology texts of our times as we explore the archetypal approach to astrology. Cosmos and Psyche is a richly layered text and a powerful demonstration of planetary aspect theory at work. Drawing on years of research, Richard Tarnas reveals the connection between planetary cycles and archetypal experience on Earth.

  • Week 1: The Archetypal Telescope – Tony Howard

  • Week 2: In Search of a Deeper Order – Safron Rossi

  • Week 3: Myths, Muses and Cosmos – Safron Rossi

  • Week 4: Pluto-Saturn Cycles of Crisis and Contraction with Tony Howard

There are four live Q&A sessions: March 30, April 6, 13 and 20

This course is taught at Astrology University, details and registration are here.

While this course is a part of Astrology University’s four-year training program it is open to the general public, you can attend as an audit student.

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