I will be joining MISPA for its Myth Day to present “Waves Become Wings – Neptune, Betrayal and the Myth of Ariadne”.

“I do not know what to do/two states of mind in me,” sings the ancient Greek poet Sappho. These lines could as well be about Neptune, whose themes belong to a watery realm where contradictions undulate. Inspiration, compassion and faith exist right alongside sacrifice, illusions, confusion.

The grace and suffering that Neptune brings, seen in our birth charts and transits, is breathtaking, time and again exhibiting this two-faced behaviour. How do we wrap our minds around these conflicting meanings and experiences of Neptune? Ariadne’s myth helps us deepen our understanding of this planet’s archetypal pattern, and shed light on the pain of Neptunian betrayal, the other face of trust.

Please visit the link above for details and fees, to register, or ask questions of my host MISPA.