We often imagine transformation in terms of magic. Transformation is how we try to talk about the changes in perspective, attitude and story that can utterly transform a life. Magic is the process by which thought becomes matter or effects matter, or form changes from one shape to another. Click on title to continue reading…
We are descending into the quiet heart of autumn. Herein a melodic salve for the beleaguered spirit, an acoustic contemplation on the deepening light.
Webinar on November 3rd
“Elemental Ruminations: Alchemical Fire, Earth, Air, Water”.
Join me for an archetypal psychological exploration of alchemical elements forming a micro-cosmology of the soul. Deep astrology and rich images. My webinar host is Astrology University, you can register here.
Mars symbolizes our instinct to move forward and the intelligence of action, so during a Mars retrograde, which is afoot now, those activities can feel turned upside down, suspended.
Waves Become Wings: Neptune, Betrayal and the Myth of Ariadne. Neptune transits often have us feeling lost at sea, but myth can shed light on the pain of Neptunian betrayal, the other face of trust, to a beautiful development of consciousness. This is the subject of an article I recently had published in The Mountain Astrologer that I want to share with you for contemplation.