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So To Retrieve The Gold


So To Retrieve The Gold

This Sunday, June 14th, Saturn will step back into Scorpio and float in the tail end of the scorpionic waters until mid-September. Clearly there is something that Saturn needs to return to in Scorpio, something has to be revisited and integrated into our reality from the point of view of the underworld. Only then will Saturn step into the Sagittarian long-view. Saturn was in Scorpio from October of 2012 to this past December, spanning over 2 years of deep work. We were confronted with deep fears, our shadows, furies and frustrations. Many experienced loss, and the restructuring of areas of our life we thought was solid. We were also called out to name our desires, to get real about our truth. This all went down in Saturnian fashion which can feel like a grinding, a slow pressure that makes spaces, interior and exterior, feel constricted, too small. Saturn is the god who helps us create the diamond body, that treasure in and of our soul that only comes into being through enormous pressure.
