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Penelope’s Loom and Mars Retrograde


Penelope’s Loom and Mars Retrograde

When Penelope tells her story to the stranger, who is Odysseus in disguise, she reveals how the loom strategy she used to keep the suitors at bay came from a divine source: “A god from the blue it was inspired me….” So Penelope set up a great loom and for four years wove daily a shroud for Laertes, and each night unraveled what she had woven.


Fire in the Mind


Fire in the Mind

January is named after the Roman god Janus whose two heads allowed him to simultaneously look backwards and forwards. Entryways and exits were sacred to him, and his position at the turn of the calendrical year is founded on this threshold power.


Contemplating the Ride


Contemplating the Ride

Mars symbolizes our instinct to move forward and the intelligence of action, so during a Mars retrograde, which is afoot now, those activities can feel turned upside down, suspended.



Athena’s triumph over Aries

Today the Sun enters Aries, heralding the Spring Equinox in the western hemisphere. Meditating upon this turn of the symbolic wheel, I was drawn to an image I particularly adore called, 'the triumph of Minerva over Aries'. Read more...
